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Our projects

Thanks to CO2 offsetting, climate projects are being set up in developing countries. Greentripper and CO2Logic work with climate projects that meet the highest international standards such as Gold Standard and Plan Vivo.

Projects are reviewed annually to ensure that they have a positive impact on the climate. Within this certified system, carbon credits are issued per tonne of CO2 actually reduced.

Our climate projects are also developed in line with the 'Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)' of the United Nations. This means that the objective of these projects is multiple: reduction of CO2 emissions, while also improving the health of populations, incomes and living standards of households in developing countries.
Avoid deforestation and provide safe water in Rwanda

Rwandans have to collect water from polluted sources as the many existing wells have fallen into disrepair due to poorly managed or too costly maintenance programs.In order to make the water safe for consumption, it has to be boiled first. This process leads to deforestation as wood is the main fuel source for most Rwandese families. Furthermore, burning wood leads to many respiratory issues.
This project makes it possible
  • To give direct access to clean water by repairing damaged wells, drilling new ones and maintaining them in the long term.
  • To reduce the use of wood, and therefore reduce the CO2 emitted during the combustion process,
  • To prevent illnesses coming from drinking polluted water and the harmful smoke when boiling the water.
The project and its CO2 reductions are registered and independently verified under the internationally recognised Gold Standard label (Gold Standard).

Visit our project fiche for more information.
Improved cookstoves in Ghana

In Ghana, a large part of the population uses biomass (charcoal and wood) for cooking. This conventional cooking method is inefficient, unsafe and the smoke from burning the woods causes respiratory problems. In addition, due to population growth, they have to go deeper and deeper into the forest which has led to a 60% decrease in Ghana’s primary tropical forest.

The improved cookstoves allow a reduction of CO2 of about 50% compared to traditional cookstoves. By supporting the development and distribution of these efficient cookstoves we save millions of trees, support families, boost economic activities and improve health conditions in Ghana.

The project and its CO2 reductions are registered and independently verified under the internationally recognised Gold Standard label (Gold Standard).

Visit our project fiche for more information.
Reforesting Zambia

Poor agricultural practices, poverty and a loss of precious forests and ecosystems are threatening Zambia. To make ends meet, farmers often have to rely on illegal (poaching) practices. This Project supports farmers with agricultural methods that safeguard the forest and enhance their livelihood. Previous poachers are given the opportunity to learn skills that protect the forest and wildlife, while having a stable income.

This Zambia AgroForestry Project promotes sustainable agriculture and forest conservation at a landscape level, through sustainable land management and REDD+ method (Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation). The program REDD + safeguards the forests, ensures carbon sequestration and protects the entire ecosystem.

This Project tackles the problem at its root. Instead of criminalising the poacher, it focuses on a long-term solution; teaching vulnerable people to farm sustainably and protect nature.

Consult our project sheet for more information.
In addition to neutralising your CO2 impact, Greentripper offers you to support Goodplanet in Belgium.

GoodPlanet develops and supervises projects, provides training and designs educational material on all themes related to sustainable development. 50 competent employees and a dozen volunteers get involved every day with passion and in the four corners of Belgium to encourage everyone to live more sustainably. Every year, its educational employees raise awareness among more than 300,000 pupils. (non-certified climate projects)

More info on our projects ‘Nature and Biodiversity’.

In addition to neutralising your CO2 impact, Greentripper offers you to support Be Planet in Belgium.

Today, faced with the need to take care of our planet, citizen initiatives are multiplying in our country. To encourage and make these varied initiatives possible, the Be Planet Foundation raises funds from those who want to contribute directly and positively to the transformation of our society. Thus we support these local, innovative and sustainable projects that have a positive and concrete impact on the environment.

More info on Be Planet