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How to travel as "green" as possible?

Opt for the modes of transport which emit the least to arrive at your destination. For instance, a bus from Belgium to Austria emits approximately 6 times less CO2e than a plane. And for the remaining emissions you can contribute to trustworthy climate projects though Greentripper.

You can be a responsible traveller by simple gestures:
  1. Think about the mode of transport: can you replace your trip by plane with a trip by train? Can you carpool?
  2. Reserve accommodation with a green label:
    • Choose a hotel with a green label. These hotels are anxious to conserve the environment and use local resources.
    And on location:
    • If you stay in the same hotel for several days, ask to keep your towels.
    • Access to electricity is also limited in certain countries. Switch off electrical appliances and the lights in a room when you are not there.
    • Do not waste water; it is a valuable resource.
  3. Prepare green baggage: take a drinking bottle, choose biodegradable products (soap, sun cream, detergent, etc.) because they wind up in the waters and destroy the ecosystems, corals, etc. .
  4. Share your equipment (tent, camping equipment, etc.)
  5. Preserve the ecosystem:
    • If you go diving, take care not to touch corals with your hands and do not walk on them.
    • Do not feed the animals and do not touch them; that may seriously disrupt their feeding habits.
    • Do not cut flowers because some species are endangered.
  6. Buy and eat organic foods locally:
    • If you want to eat meat, ask for the provenance of meat. Try to buy local, labelled meat.
    • Opt for local handicrafts for your souvenirs.
  7. Reduce waste:
    • Do not throw waste in nature and, whenever you can, collect waste found along your way (plastic bags, cans, etc.) and put them in the nearest rubbish bin. Waste left lying around may cost certain animals (birds, fish, turtles, etc.) their life.
    • If you are a smoker, take a pocket ashtray along because a cigarette butt takes a long time to decompose.
  8. Opt for ecological activities.
  9. Contribute for 100% of the environmental impact of your flight. Just enter your city of departure and of destination, choose your project, and contribute.
  10. Support certified projects.
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